Touched by a Rabbit features rabbit stories written by a variety of people from a wide range of rabbit backgrounds and writing experience. Author information:

JENNI BEARD has been guided by rabbits and loved them her entire life. She resides in Charleston, SC, with four house rabbits who she is slave to, and runs a chapter of the House Rabbit Society.

MEG BROWN is a devoted animal advocate with a deep sense the spiritual nature of all beings. Her primary work focuses on rabbit rescue and education and farm animal welfare. She lives with her husband, Greg, and 11 family rabbits in their upstate New York home.

NANCY FURSTINGER shares her home in New York's Hudson Valley with three treasured dogs and six house rabbits (plus numerous fosters)- all rescues. She is the author of more than 100 books, including many on her favorite topic - animals!

CAROLYN GRIMALDI lives in a small town in Connecticut with her bunny family: Tucker, Fauna, and Cali. Much of what she knows about rabbits came from her dear friend, the late Carl J. Lewis, who lives on in the hearts of everyone who knew him.

STEPHEN F. GUIDA is an experienced writer who volunteers with Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue in Arizona. He has shared his home with numerous rabbits, many requiring special care. 

TINA GULLICKSON has been a member of Jimmy Buffett's Coral Reefer Band since 1995. She and her husband Lance have been sharing their
California home with rabbits since 1998.

LISA IVERS is a displaced Long Islander who landed back in the States after a five-year stint in Cairo, Egypt, where she taught music at the American University, ran a research project for USAID, and furnished bass for Cairo's first expatriate rock band. She currently resides in South Carolina where she works as a freelance writer/editor.

KATHI JENCSO was born in Massachusetts and was reborn in Maryland when bunny Spencer came into her life. She lives on Chesapeake Bay with her husband Dal and is the mother of four children, seven rabbits, one dog, two cats, and one 30-gallon tank of fish.

APRIL JONES lives with her husband and twenty bunnies in Washington state. She has been rescuing rabbits for ten years and is the WA/OR state coordinator for Rabbitwise Bunderground.

GARY AND NANCY McCONVILLE are the bunny parents of 20 personal and foster bunnies, and live in Roswell, Georgia. Nancy is co-Chapter Manager of the North Georgia Chapter of the House Rabbit Society. Gary is also a licensed Ham Radio Operator.

JODI D. McLAUGHLIN is a certified massage therapist and freelance writer. She lives in rural Pennslyvania with her husband, Rick, and bunny Berry.

JOE O. MARCOM, a retired paramedic, is the foster/adoption coordinator for a Houston rabbit rescue group (Bunny Buddies). He has a special interest in injured and special-needs rabbits.

KIM MEYER fosters rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils and chinchillas for Vision Hills Sanctuary in Austin, Texas. She works at a large computer manufacturer to support herself and the animals.

LUCILE MOORE has written numerous articles on the history, folklore, and care of rabbits, is the author of A House Rabbit Primer, and coauthor of When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care. Lucile is a professional writer/biologist dedicated to helping bunnies have happier lives.

JANE AND STEVE MUNCY are the proud parents of an ever-expanding family of rabbits and cats, most of whom are rescues.

ANNE L. MURDOCK is a funeral director in New Jersey. She and her husband Reggie have had house rabbits for over 15 years - simply for the love. Like the book's editors, Anne views rabbits as a connection to God.

DORI LAMER NEU and her husband, both retired, live in South Carolina. They have two terribly spoiled bunny babies who have their own private room and screened porch.

JOSEPH J. NOBILE is a volunteer at the Humane Society of Pinellas and the SPCA in Florida. He rescues and adopts rabbits, many of which are special-needs.

MARIA LEONOR PEREZ is the manager of the Las Vegas chapter of the House Rabbit Society. She sanctuaries many medically-compromised rabbits and actively educates people about rabbits.

BARBARA POLLACK has been a volunteer educator for the House Rabbit Society since 1988. During that time she has happily shared her home with many rescued rabbits.

KRISTY RIDDLE is a veterinary technician who lives in Missouri , sharing her life with a husband of 33 years, 4 cats and several rabbits.The rabbits in her life have taught her to take the necessary risks to live her dreams.

CINDY SCHEEL is a native of Portland, Oregon, and has had houserabbits for more than 25 years. She is a professional fundraiser and also owns her own catering business. She loves remodeling her 1900's house, creating topiary and gardening; the bunnies have claimed the entire vegetable garden as their own.

GEORGE SMITH has a Masters in Chemical engineering and is retired from government service. He supports (though does not fully understand) his wife's passion for rabbits.

KATHY SMITH has loved rabbits since childhood. She works to improve the lives of rabbits everywhere through her writing. A portion of the proceeds from her books Rabbit Health in the 21st Century and King Murray's Royal Tail are donated to rescue groups around the world. Her family rabbits provide inspiration and are her greatest teachers in life.

EVONNE VEY is an artist specializing in pet portraits whose interest in nutrition and homeopathy led to the formation of The Natural Rabbit e-group. She lives in Southern Maryland with her husband, 8 rabbits, 1 dog, 5 cats and 2 fish tanks.

GREG WAIT is a registered nurse who lives in upstate New York with his wife, Meg, and 11 family rabbits. He enjoys spending time with his daughters, Talara and Sierra, hiking and skiing in the Adirondack Mountains, practicing Anusara yoga, and writing poetry.


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